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Amendment 28

Reasons for Enacting the 28th Amendment:

  • The impeachment process has proven to ineffective and flawed to remove a sitting President from office regardless of the offenses committed.
  • Amendment 28 is necessary because there currently exists no other method in the Constitution to remove a President from office who is derelict of duty, corrupt, incompetent, or lawless.
  • Amendment 28 is necessary because the Constitution provides no other method to remove a lawless, incompetent and or corrupt administration from power.
  • Amendment 28 is necessary because there are no effective restraints in the Constitution to prevent a President from engaging in foreign or domestic abuse of power.
  • Amendment 28 is necessary when the other branches of government fail to prevent the President from excessive use of their Executive Orders.
  • Amendment 28 is necessary to give the citizens of the states the ultimate power and authority to remove a President and their administration should they be corrupt, derelict of duty, incompetent, or whose actions pose a threat to the citizens lives, freedoms, or property.
  • Amendment 28 is necessary because the citizens of the republic have no other recourse to remove a rogue and lawless President than by vote every four years.

28th Amendment to the Constitution:

Section. 1. The States, on the Application of three fourths majority of the Legislatures of three fourths of the several states, shall have the right and authority to call a National Referendum to Recall the President of the United States, including the Vice-President, and his or her cabinet, should the President be derelict of duty, treasonous, incompetent, corrupt or violates their sworn duty to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Section. 2. The States, upon three fourths majority of the Legislatures, shall convene to determine the date and conditions of the Referendum, and the term of the New President which will not be less than two years and not more than four.

Section. 3.   Coinciding with the National Referendum to Recall the President, the Vice-President and his or her cabinet, a national election will be held at the exact time to elect a new President.

Section. 4.  The National election of a new President will be determined by majority of the electoral college.

Section. 5.  Upon the assembly and vote of the Electoral College, the Recalled President, and Vice-President will be removed from office and replaced by the newly elected President and Vice-President as determined by the Electoral College.

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